Draft Local Plan (DLP) Regulation 18 Public Consultation
Bredgar Parish Council
BPC would like all our parishioners to be aware that there is a Public Consultation open now on the Local Plan. The consultation is called "Issues and Preferred Options (Regulation 18)" and asks for comments on policy and five different high level options for housing and employment land.
- Option 1: Business as usual - Growth focused on extensions to main settlements with a focus on the Thames Gateway area in the west of the borough
- Option 2: More even distribution of the additional development requirements across the borough’s main urban centres and rural areas
- Option 3: More even distribution of the final requirements across the main urban centres (when combined with allocations in the current local plan, Bearing Fruit)
- Option 4: More of the overall development requirements at the eastern end of the borough
- Option 5: Focus our development requirements on Strategic Development Sites and/or urban extensions primarily located within existing rural areas
The table in the picture shows the indicative distribution of dwellings across the borough against the 5 diferent Development Options Needs.
To respond to the consultation see the SBC website -> https://swale-consult.objective.co.uk/kse/event/36546
Or see our Bredgar Parishioners Update for more details and how to respond to the consultation.
Contact Information
Brian Clarke
- 07753332229
Find Bredgar Parish Council
Bredgar Parish Council Friendly Cottage, Primrose Lane, Bredgar, Bredgar, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 8EB